

Introduction and editor of: Jung, C. G. (2019). Dream symbols of the individuation process: notes of C.G. Jung’s seminars on Wolfgang Pauli’s dreams. Princeton: Princeton University Press

The History of Psychotherapy in Sweden. (Only in Swedish: Psykoterapins pionjärer i Sverige)
The Innermost Kernel. Depth Psychology and Quantum Physics. Wolfgang Pauli’s Dialogue with C.G. Jung (Springer, 2005), 378 pages. Order the Book here!


Gieser, S. (2016). ”Jungianism”. In Western Esotericism in Scandinavia. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill
Jung, Pauli and the Symbolic Nature of Reality (2014) i Fuchs, C.A. & Atmanspacher, H. (2014). The Pauli-Jung Conjecture and Its Impact Today [Elektronisk resurs]. Andrews UK Limited.
Gieser, S. (2013). From Copenhagen to the consulting room: Pauli and Jung in Copenhagen. Journal of Analytical Psychology59(2), 165–173.
“Philosophy and Modern Physics in Sweden: C.W. Oseen, Oskar Klein and the Intellectual Traditions of Uppsala and Lund, 1920-40” in Svante Lindquist (ed.), Center on the Periphery: Historical Aspects of 20th-century Swedish Physics(Science History Publications, 1993)24-41

Review of K.V. Laurikainen’s book “Beyond the Atom” in Isis, 81:2:307 (1990) p. 377.